Friday, May 14, 2004

Deep Respect

Since the grand opening of the Advanced Organization in Los Angeles a few years ago, the expansion of Scientology in the Los Angeles area has greatly accellerated. This has a lot to do with Mr. David Miscavige's call to all Scientologists to really do something about their communities and society in the wake of 9/11.

As a Scientologist I, for one, have really taken that message to heart.

As David Miscavige put it in his speech honoring L. Ron Hubbard on his birthday in 2002, shortly after the World Trade Center incident occurred: Today, that message, and wish, has an unmistakable clarity for all of us.

"As Scientologists, we understand that 'survival' for 'us', can only be achieved if we bring survival for all.

'"Last year, when the “social veneer” was stripped away, our mission became more urgent than ever.


"Well, if it wasn’t clear before, it is now:

"W have to work fast or, we could have an environment where it isn’t possible to free anyone.

The full text of David Miscavige's speech for 2002 can be read online here: David Miscavige Presents a Tribute to L. Ron Hubbard: March 2002

Biography - David Miscavige