Monday, September 18, 2006


This week was the celebration in LA and in Clearwater and England of "Auditors Day."

This is a day Scientology churches celebrate each year to honor auditors.

According to the Scientology glossary and auditor is:

... a person trained and qualified in applying Dianetics and/or Scientology processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means one who listens.

The remarkable thing about Scientology and Scientology auditors is that they address the spiritual needs, purposes and lives of individuals while at the same time being a technology as invariable as any of the physical sciences.

That's remarkable because 1) it never happened before and 2) boy do we need a science that can help men, women, children and groups overcome their all-too prevalent tendency to act crazy!

What is war but group insanity?

And riots? Terrorism? Racism?

All group insanity.

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