Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Respect for David Miscavige

I just watched (again) the Scientology New Years event and I have to say I am so impressed with what David Miscavige has done.

His determination the Aims of Scientology through to a done is an inspiration.

And those aims are:

A Civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights.

It might sound a bit outrageous that someone would even think to SET this as a goal. And for sure, without a technology of life you would not be able to accomplish it.

But just think - 50 years ago what do you think people would think if you were to say that you could sit in LA and post a message on a blog and someone in Pakistan could log on and see it as soon as you posted it. They'd say you were out of your mind. Right?

It is just technology that makes this possible. Is it so impossible that there could be a technology of the mind and spirit that we could resolve the factors that make war, insanity and criminality "facts of life?"

There is a wonderful new film - actually a remake of a wonderful OLD film. It's called An Introduction to Scientology and it is an interview L. Ron Hubbard gave in 1966.

When people find out I'm a Scientologist they ask me certain questions, and it's pretty interesting that 40 years later, it's the same kinds of questions people were asking in 1966. In the interview LRH answers these questions. And who better to answer them?

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