Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Human Rights Advocates

There are many people and groups working in the field of human rights. These are people I respect and admire.

One person who sets the standard in the field is David Miscavige. As Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center. As described on the RTC web site, Mr. Miscavige has been "the worldwide ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion ... for nearly 20 years...." and under his leadership the church's activities to improve society have dramatically increased.

The human rights education campaign, the Scientology Volunteer Minister program and the work Scientologists are doing to educate kids on drugs before they become "statistics" are three examples of this.

Mr. Miscavige gave a speech in which he described not only the social mission of the Scientology religion but an excellent description of the religious philosophy itself. The speech is called This is Scientology and an excerpt of it is online on the RTC web site.

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