Monday, September 25, 2006

The Underground Railroad

There is a really good site that gives the facts and myths about the Underground Railroad in quiz form. I started taking the quiz (and got about 80% so far on the questions).

Here's an example of one of the True or False questions:

Question:Nearly all runaway slaves managed to escape to safety in the North or Canada.

Answer: False-- Many fugitive slaves failed in their attempt to be free. Those closer to the North faired better because they didn't have as far to go. Why did they fail? Slave narratives explain that the runaways faced many dangers. For example, they traveled on foot through hills, meadows, woods and swamps they did not know. If they came across rivers, they needed to swim across or chance catching a boat. They had no maps, no suitcases, and the only food they had was what they found, such as wild fruit and plants. They always carried with them the stress of the possibility of being found by professional slavecatchers and sent back into slavery.

This would be a great site to use to teach kids about the Underground Railroad.

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