Sunday, October 08, 2006

Accident today

As I was out taking a walk this morning I came across an accident.

Some poor woman saw an accident occurring right in front of her and swerved to avoid getting into a pile-up, but lost control and went careening across the street into the side of a bank on the opposite side.

By the time I got there she and one of the victims in the original crash had been taken to the hospital.

Which is all a propos to my saying I really respect the emergency response personnel in LA.

They are seriously efficient, and unflappable.

That's the kind of people you want to be there for you when you get into a tangle like the three cars today.

By the way, just a funny anecdote, a couple of years ago I was called for jury duty and the case was about a car accident. The judge asked the first set of prospective jurors to raise their hands if they had not been in an accident themselves. Only one did. And he had never had a license.

Tells you something about LA?

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