Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Earth Organization

I support the Earth Organization.

Here is some information on the group and some of their key issues.

The Earth Organization is an international, non-profit, conservation and environmental organization, founded by veteran South African conservationist and explorer Lawrence Anthony, who recognized that new solutions were necessary to reverse the dwindling spiral of life on Planet Earth.

What Makes the Earth Organization Different?

Earth Organization members, apart from their commitment to creating a healthy habitable Planet, use and disseminate [spread the word about] the Dynamics of Existence as a simple workable tool, that for the first time explains exactly how all life, including man, actually survives. The "Dynamics" provide a simple new way of looking at man in his relationship to his own kind, the Earth and the Plant and Animal kingdoms.

The Earth Organization believes that while defense of the environment and protection of species is vital, fast declining statistics demonstrate that this alone is not sufficient to turn the Planet around. It has become abundantly clear that another approach is also needed.

One of our major purposes therefore is prompting the realization about the Dynamics of Existence among the people of Earth.

Once in possession of this knowledge, we believe that everyone can become involved in creating and protecting the earth.

Why are Trees so important to us?

Trees provide us with oxygen to breathe and absorb carbon dioxide, which also cools the Planet down. Mankind's future survival on Earth is entirely dependent on the well being of our existing trees and the regeneration of forests.

Recycling: does it really help?

Recycling is a practical way of doing something positive about the refuse that is polluting the Earth. Everybody should recycle.

What is our standpoint on zoos?

Earth Organization members do not support the conditions under which many zoos keep animals; we support the closure of improper facilities, with little or no educational benefit, where caged animals are abused or simply “gawked” at.

What is an ocean dead zone?

A dead zone is an area in the ocean which does not have any life at all. There are now nearly 150 dead zones all over the world. Some dead zones are small, and some are huge - as large as 40,000 sq. miles. Dead zones are caused by excess nitrogen from fertilizer and sewage washing down rivers into the sea, triggering an explosive growth of plankton which uses up all the oxygen in the water. Because there is no oxygen, everything that cannot swim away dies.

Lawrence Anthony, the founder of the Earth Organization is an International Association of Scientologists Freedom Medal Winner.

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