Monday, October 23, 2006

David Miscavige

I have great respect for David Miscavige and the work he has done to provide Scientology technology to all echelons of society.

We have some incredibly important problems that need to be addressed and handled.

And this weekend's activities in the UK are a key part of getting these handled right now.

Here's a copy of a posting on the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of London.

What a Day in London and What a Weekend! David Miscavige Dedicates New Church

"We are about to drive home the message ‘This is Scientology ‘ like you have never seen," said David Miscavige , chairman of the Church of Scientology (sic.) [David Miscavige is actually the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center.]

So reports Robert Booth on Saturday in the Sunday Times - a story that got picked up internationally.

And Sunday’s grand opening was everything Mr. Miscavige promised.

The Scientology Press Office announces the news as follows:

With thousands of Scientologists, local residents and officials in attendance, the new Church of Scientology of London opened its doors.

Mr. David Miscavige , Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center and leader of the Scientology religion , stressed the historical importance of London. "This is the city L. Ron Hubbard himself [founder of the Scientology religion] selected as home to the first Scientology organization. This is also the city wherein he first defined the human spirit as an immortal being possessed of capabilities beyond anything predicted, and so arrived at the axiomatic truths on which the whole of Scientology is founded. Your early London organizations were also the original proving ground for the bulk of Mr. Hubbard’ s social betterment programs which are used to uplift neighborhoods just like this one."

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