Sunday, December 17, 2006

Great News on Scientology Expansion from Down Under

A survey shows that new and emerging churches are popular with young Australians and that ‘nature religions’ and Scientology are growing strongly. The survey was published in Professor Gary Bouma’s book, Australian Soul: Religion and Spirituality >>

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Human Rights

What do human rights really mean? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights laid out 30 of them. Each of the rights have been brought to life in video form. See them at

Monday, December 11, 2006

Indonesia's Aceh looks for peace after landmark poll

Looking to a lasting peace in Aceh...

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - A former separatist rebel appeared set on Tuesday to become the next governor of Aceh after a landmark election in the Indonesian province battered by decades of conflict and a horrific tsunami

Exit polls showed former rebel spokesman Irwandi Yusuf heading for victory after Aceh's first direct election for governor and other top posts on Monday. >>

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Human Rights Heroes

Human Rights Day is a time to reflect on all the people in the community, from the teachers, to the emergency response personnel, to the doctors, to the clergy, who dedicate their lives to helping others survive, do well and prosper.

And don't forget the moms and dads who work to guarantee the welfare of their kids.

When you look at it this way, there are an awful lot of people doing good.

But when we do this we can't forget the many millions whose lives and rights are abused every day.

And so we should all determine to do far more this coming year to make human rights a fact.

Friday, December 08, 2006

More on the Philippines

GUINOBATAN, Philippines, Dec 8, 2006 (AFP) - Medical aid was rushed to squalid Philippine evacuation sites Friday amid dire warnings that poor sanitation could trigger an outbreak of disease among hundreds of mudslide survivors.

Babies and children sleep on the damp wooden floors of the elementary school turned into a temporary shelter for nearly 100 families in the township of Guinobatan in the eastern Bicol region, where entire villages were swept away by volcanic debris last week.

Yet these unfortunates are relatively lucky. When supertyphoon Durian hit last week, it created avalanches of volcanic mud that left more than 1,300 people dead or missing. >> Continued

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Coordinator has announced that anyone who would like to help will be trained in disaster relief techniques.

Volunteers are needed as are donations.

Visit for more information on how you can help.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Kolkata Call for a Moral Resurgence on World AIDS Day

This was published on the Scientology Press Office site

Calling for compassion and an end to discrimination against those infected with HIV, the members of the West Bengal Scientology Volunteer joined other HIV/AIDS activists to draw attention to the need to confront and handle this pandemic.
Calling for compassion and an end to discrimination against those infected with HIV, the members of the West Bengal Scientology Volunteer joined other HIV/AIDS activists to draw attention to the need to confront and handle this pandemic.

With over one billion inhabitants, India is the second most populous country in the world. And with an estimated 5.7 million infected in India, there are more people living with HIV here than in in any other nation in the world.

Discrimination against persons who are HIV positive in their personal lives, employment, education and health care is a grave situation in India. The primary focus of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers on this issue is to provide moral support to people affected by HIV/AIDS and empower them to combat the stigma and intolerance in any sphere of their lives, while encouraging a more tolerant and humane attitude through the distribution of The Way To Happiness, a moral code based entirely on common sense.

Md. Khalil Ulah, who heads the team, wants to get a copy of The Way To Happiness into the hands of every one of the more than 13 million people of Kolkata.

In the 25 years since it was written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1981, 66 million copies of The Way to Happiness have been distributed in more than 90 languages.

For information on how you can contribute to this project contact:

The Way To Happiness Foundation
201 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA 90028
Phone: (800) 255-7906 or (818) 254-0600
Fax: (818) 254-0555

or the West Bengal Scientology Volunteer Ministers:

Mohammad Khalil Ullah
2/H/4 Hatibagan Road (3rd Floor),
West Bengal,
Pin -700014.
Tel : +91 9830486950

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

International Volunteer Day

Here's to the volunteer -- the person who is there to help his or her fellow man.

Today is International Volunteers Day.

Monday, December 04, 2006

L. Ron Hubbard's Personal Philosophy

One of my favorite essays by L. Ron Hubbard is called "My Only Defense for Having Lived."

I think it is especially pertinent today -- International Volunteers Day -- as he expresses his views on contribution and helping others.

he only tests of a life well lived are: Did he do what he intended? And were people glad he lived?

People have often desired me to write an autobiography and while I would be perfectly willing to do so had I the time, I consider such a work, as I do myself, quite unimportant.

I have led an adventurous life and it would possibly be entertaining to read, but I doubt such a work would shed any background light on my researches and would not clarify my intentions or why I developed Dianetics and Scientology.

My motives have not been fame. I tried to give Dianetics, the entire work, to the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association in 1949 and the AMA only said “Why should you?” and the APA said “If it is important we will hear of it.”

I tried to avoid, until July 1950, saying I had personally done the research but then owned to it when I saw that unowned, it could be lost in its original form.

My motives have not included amassing great wealth. The royalties of the first book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, were given to the first Foundation. So it is not wealth.

Power has not been my motive. I only held office in organizations to insist upon correct usage of the work, and this having been achieved sometime since, I resigned all directorships and retained only an honorary post.

Further, one cannot have more power than he himself already has as a being; so power by reason of position I consider pointless and a waste of time.

My motives are so hard to understand because they largely omit me from the equation. And self-centered men are not likely to understand such a thing since they know they would not forgo fame, wealth or power and so conceive that another would not. >> continued

Monday, November 13, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Video

I just found this video on YouTube on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Opening Scientology Missions

I am impressed when I hear of a Scientologist who takes it on to open a new Scientology Mission.

There is such need to get Scientology into the hands of the people who need it.

Check out the web site for the Scientology Mission of Lafayette, Louisianna.

David Miscavige

Last weekend I attended the IAS Anniversary Event that was held in Los Angeles (a showing of the event that was held live in the UK last week).

I was once more impressed with the incredible leadership of Chairman of the Board of RTC, David Miscavige.

Mr. Miscavige began the speech with a very hard hitting statement about human rights violations being perpetrated in the name of "security" and recent US legislation legitimizing this flagrant disregard for international human rights standards.

I have been incensed by this administrations actions in this regard and was so happy to hear this.

We must do all we can to make human rights a fact.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bono's latest AIDS campaign is in the red

Bono's latest AIDS campaign is in the red

"There are some things where the scale of the problem has you just in a spin. For me, and for others, I think you try on all fronts to fight this war. And I would be, personally speaking, in the blackest despair were it not for my faith in people and in God, and actually my faith even in people who don't believe in God."

- Rock singer Bono, speaking of the African AIDS crisis in a 2003 telephone conference interview with The Blade.
Bono is seeing red. Not red as in raging, out-of-control anger. But red as in the symbol of emergency.
And the red of precious lifeblood.
The lead singer of popular Irish band U2 has been rallying forces in every corner of the world, from churches and government buildings to concert halls and farm fields, to join him in raising awareness and funds to fight the AIDS pandemic in Africa.
Nearly 3 million Africans die every year from the immune-deficiency disease and an estimated 24 million people on the continent are living with HIV or AIDS.
Bono and Bobby Shriver, who together in 2002 founded DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), have been rallying support for medical, educational, and financial aid to help the impoverished, disease-ravaged African continent.
Their latest innovative effort to recruit support in the fight against AIDS involves an unlikely audience: American consumers.
Buying an Armani designer jacket or an Apple iPod can now raise funds for African AIDS victims.
"Shop until it stops," Bono said in promoting (PRODUCT) RED, the economic initiative launched in the United States Oct. 13. Originally launched in the United Kingdom in March, the first $1.25 million raised through RED was donated in May to the Rwandan Ministry of Health and, in September, $4 million went to AIDS programs in Swaziland.>>

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Making a Difference in Society

The IAS event is this weekend in Los Angeles at the Shrine Auditorium (and at the FSO [Flag Service Organization] in Clearwater, Florida. Then next week it shows at most of the churches around the world.

If you are reading this message and you are a Scientologist you should definitely attend the event and the seminar, which is the whole following day.

I've heard from people who attended the event in England that the programs that are launched will handle the major points of social ruin and start society on an upward spiral -- something urgently needed.

Monday, October 23, 2006

David Miscavige

I have great respect for David Miscavige and the work he has done to provide Scientology technology to all echelons of society.

We have some incredibly important problems that need to be addressed and handled.

And this weekend's activities in the UK are a key part of getting these handled right now.

Here's a copy of a posting on the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of London.

What a Day in London and What a Weekend! David Miscavige Dedicates New Church

"We are about to drive home the message ‘This is Scientology ‘ like you have never seen," said David Miscavige , chairman of the Church of Scientology (sic.) [David Miscavige is actually the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center.]

So reports Robert Booth on Saturday in the Sunday Times - a story that got picked up internationally.

And Sunday’s grand opening was everything Mr. Miscavige promised.

The Scientology Press Office announces the news as follows:

With thousands of Scientologists, local residents and officials in attendance, the new Church of Scientology of London opened its doors.

Mr. David Miscavige , Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center and leader of the Scientology religion , stressed the historical importance of London. "This is the city L. Ron Hubbard himself [founder of the Scientology religion] selected as home to the first Scientology organization. This is also the city wherein he first defined the human spirit as an immortal being possessed of capabilities beyond anything predicted, and so arrived at the axiomatic truths on which the whole of Scientology is founded. Your early London organizations were also the original proving ground for the bulk of Mr. Hubbard’ s social betterment programs which are used to uplift neighborhoods just like this one."

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Scientologist

I have a lot of respect for the individual Scientologist who takes on the responsibility of a Scientology Volunteer Minister and goes to help others when they really need his/her help.

The stories of several VMs are presented on a web site called "After the Tsunami."

One begins like this:

"One of the most important and powerful effects that I created was on my very first night in Nagapattinam here in India.

We were thrown into the chaotic activity of a place called St. Joseph’s Hostel. It was a place for housing many of the surviving from the Tsunami. Many who had lost their houses, children, mothers or fathers. Continued>>

Information on the technology they use to help others, developed by Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard, is available at the web site of the Scientology Handbook.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Buckmister Fuller

"For the first time in history it is now possible to take care of everybody at a higher standard of living than any have ever known.
Only ten years ago the ‘more with less’ technology reached the point where this could be done. All humanity now has the option to become enduringly successful.”

– R. Buckminster Fuller, 1980

This confident assertion was made in 1980 by the late R. Buckminster Fuller–inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist. As early as 1959, Newsweek reported that Fuller predicted the conquest of poverty by the year 2000. >>

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Albert Einstein

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein

Monday, October 16, 2006

How Stuff Works

A friend of mine just reminded me of this terrific web site - How Stuff Works.

It presents factual information in a very simple way - not trying to overwhelm you with high-level information, but giving it in a way that is easy to assimilate.

They also post articles on the home page that are topical and relevant to current events.

For example, today there is an article How do scientists determine if a nuclear blast has occurred?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Earth Organization

I support the Earth Organization.

Here is some information on the group and some of their key issues.

The Earth Organization is an international, non-profit, conservation and environmental organization, founded by veteran South African conservationist and explorer Lawrence Anthony, who recognized that new solutions were necessary to reverse the dwindling spiral of life on Planet Earth.

What Makes the Earth Organization Different?

Earth Organization members, apart from their commitment to creating a healthy habitable Planet, use and disseminate [spread the word about] the Dynamics of Existence as a simple workable tool, that for the first time explains exactly how all life, including man, actually survives. The "Dynamics" provide a simple new way of looking at man in his relationship to his own kind, the Earth and the Plant and Animal kingdoms.

The Earth Organization believes that while defense of the environment and protection of species is vital, fast declining statistics demonstrate that this alone is not sufficient to turn the Planet around. It has become abundantly clear that another approach is also needed.

One of our major purposes therefore is prompting the realization about the Dynamics of Existence among the people of Earth.

Once in possession of this knowledge, we believe that everyone can become involved in creating and protecting the earth.

Why are Trees so important to us?

Trees provide us with oxygen to breathe and absorb carbon dioxide, which also cools the Planet down. Mankind's future survival on Earth is entirely dependent on the well being of our existing trees and the regeneration of forests.

Recycling: does it really help?

Recycling is a practical way of doing something positive about the refuse that is polluting the Earth. Everybody should recycle.

What is our standpoint on zoos?

Earth Organization members do not support the conditions under which many zoos keep animals; we support the closure of improper facilities, with little or no educational benefit, where caged animals are abused or simply “gawked” at.

What is an ocean dead zone?

A dead zone is an area in the ocean which does not have any life at all. There are now nearly 150 dead zones all over the world. Some dead zones are small, and some are huge - as large as 40,000 sq. miles. Dead zones are caused by excess nitrogen from fertilizer and sewage washing down rivers into the sea, triggering an explosive growth of plankton which uses up all the oxygen in the water. Because there is no oxygen, everything that cannot swim away dies.

Lawrence Anthony, the founder of the Earth Organization is an International Association of Scientologists Freedom Medal Winner.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Congratulations to Muhammed Yunus

Muhammed Yunus, the architect of micro-credit, an innovative banking loan program that helps the poor afford everyday tools to better their welfare, and the bank he founded, Grameen Bank, have been awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

The bank he founded gives credit to those in poverty.

Upon hearing that he was awarded the prize, the Bangladeshi professor said this was great news for the whole nation.

Here's a terrific story about him on the Third World Travelor web site.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Youth for Human Rights

I think the work that Youth for Human Rights is doing is really commendable.

With the Church of Scientology International they have produced a series of remarkable public service announcements.

I am rarely moved as much as I have been by these PSAs.

If you have any ideas on how these can be gotten into broader circulation, please let me know. They have been uploaded to YouTube and you can watch my favorite one here. It's the first video - We're all born free and equal.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Did I ever say?

Did I ever say how much I respect my father?

He passed away some years ago, and he was far from perfect.

But he always tought us that there was more to life than the material.

That's not to say that he was a "free spirit." He got bogged down in the physical universe for sure -- house, car, career.

And when I came home with my choice of profession it was:


You know how it goes.

But he had a love of music, art, theater, film, writing... and he instilled that love in his children.

And I owe a tremendous amount to him for that.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Cesar Chavez

"If you win non-violently, then you have a double victory, you have not only won your fight, but you remain free."
Chavez, Cesar Director of the United Farm Workers

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Accident today

As I was out taking a walk this morning I came across an accident.

Some poor woman saw an accident occurring right in front of her and swerved to avoid getting into a pile-up, but lost control and went careening across the street into the side of a bank on the opposite side.

By the time I got there she and one of the victims in the original crash had been taken to the hospital.

Which is all a propos to my saying I really respect the emergency response personnel in LA.

They are seriously efficient, and unflappable.

That's the kind of people you want to be there for you when you get into a tangle like the three cars today.

By the way, just a funny anecdote, a couple of years ago I was called for jury duty and the case was about a car accident. The judge asked the first set of prospective jurors to raise their hands if they had not been in an accident themselves. Only one did. And he had never had a license.

Tells you something about LA?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Passive Resistence

Gandhi is credited with the implementation of passive resistance.

Although there are precedents, such as the early Christian martyrs, his was the first the use I know of, where passive resistance was used as a political force, or an agency to accomplish social change.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Dalai Lama on Peace and Human Rights

Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free.

True peace with oneself and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace. The other phenomena mentioned above are similarly interrelated. Thus, for example, we see that a clean environment, wealth or democracy mean little in the face of war, especially nuclear war, and that material development is not sufficient to ensure human happiness.

Material progress is of course important for human advancement. In Tibet, we paid much to little attention to technological and economic development, and today we realize that this was a mistake. At the same time, material development without spiritual development can also cause serious problems. In some countries too much attention is paid to external things and very little importance is given to inner development. I believe both are important and must be developed side by side so as to achieve a good balance between them. Tibetans are always described by foreign visitors as being a happy, jovial people. This is part of our national character, formed by cultural and religious values that stress the importance of mental peace through the generation of love and kindness to all other living sentient beings, both human and animal. Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquillity. In that state of mind you can deal with situations with calmness and reason, while keeping your inner happiness. This is very important. Without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed or unhappy because of circumstances.

The Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1989

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Underground Railroad

There is a really good site that gives the facts and myths about the Underground Railroad in quiz form. I started taking the quiz (and got about 80% so far on the questions).

Here's an example of one of the True or False questions:

Question:Nearly all runaway slaves managed to escape to safety in the North or Canada.

Answer: False-- Many fugitive slaves failed in their attempt to be free. Those closer to the North faired better because they didn't have as far to go. Why did they fail? Slave narratives explain that the runaways faced many dangers. For example, they traveled on foot through hills, meadows, woods and swamps they did not know. If they came across rivers, they needed to swim across or chance catching a boat. They had no maps, no suitcases, and the only food they had was what they found, such as wild fruit and plants. They always carried with them the stress of the possibility of being found by professional slavecatchers and sent back into slavery.

This would be a great site to use to teach kids about the Underground Railroad.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


There's an interesting piece on the L. Ron Hubbard web site on the relationship between the lack of self respect and crime.

"There is not a criminal in the world, L. Ron Hubbard tells us, whose life of crime cannot be traced to a loss of self-respect. And if we were to ask that criminal what is meant by a loss of self-respect, we would inevitably hear the most pitiful phrase imaginable: 'one day I found I couldn’t trust myself.'"

The article goes on to describe how Mr. Hubbard's technology has been used to help rehabilitate the self respect of people caught up in prison system - notorious for the incredible rate of recidivism. Criminon, which uses these breakthroughs, has had tremendous success reforming criminals.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love. It was settled by the Quakers who proved their dedication to their belief in the integrity and value of all humankind by establishing and running the Underground Railroad, which smuggled thousands of slaves out of the South and to Freedom before the Civil War.

Friday, September 22, 2006

My Fellow Man

The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

However, it is one thing to say this, or publish it. It is another thing to live it.

In his essay "What is Greatness" L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology religion, wrote:

"The hardest task one can have is to continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he should not.

"And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue.

"For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope.

"For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair. And these are not the things of which greatness or sanity or happiness are made.

There is no quick, easy fix to achieve the ability to grant such importance and life to others. In fact all of Scientology ultimately puts the being in good enough shape that he/she can accomplish what Mr. Hubbard wrote in these few lines.

But every step you take in Scientology you become more able to live up to these ideals.

And, as the writers of the Universal Declaration so correctly put it, every man is worthy of being considered important, valuable, and precious.

If we all had or strove to have, this view of one another, there would be peace.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Dalai Lama

"Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."

His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Freedom Magazine Human Rights Leadership Awards

Three real humanitarians were awarded Human Rights Leadership Awards last night on Capitol Hill. It was the celebration of the 38th Anniversary of Freedom Magazine, and the mistress of ceremonies was Academy Award nominee Ms. Anne Archer.

Monday, September 18, 2006


This week was the celebration in LA and in Clearwater and England of "Auditors Day."

This is a day Scientology churches celebrate each year to honor auditors.

According to the Scientology glossary and auditor is:

... a person trained and qualified in applying Dianetics and/or Scientology processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means one who listens.

The remarkable thing about Scientology and Scientology auditors is that they address the spiritual needs, purposes and lives of individuals while at the same time being a technology as invariable as any of the physical sciences.

That's remarkable because 1) it never happened before and 2) boy do we need a science that can help men, women, children and groups overcome their all-too prevalent tendency to act crazy!

What is war but group insanity?

And riots? Terrorism? Racism?

All group insanity.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Personal Integrity

There is an excellent chapter in the Scientology Handbook dealing with the subject of self-respect and personal integrity. It is called Improving Conditions in Life.

The information in this chapter is really powerful. I've seen people totally turn their lives around with the use of this information.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Respect Begins With Self

Remember: An important aspect of respect is respecting yourself. It may sound like a cliche, but if you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy with the person you see, you are well on the way to receiving respect from other people. If not, look no further.

Self-respect is possible. Read The Way to Happiness.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Don't Laugh

I saw this very cute website with a great message - they are promoting to teach children to increase respect for others and they call it "Operation Respect." The website is called "Don't Laugh."

Well I'm not laughing - I think its great that they are doing this. Educating children at an early age to not be prejudice is important. Too many people grow up with a bias viewpoint and then can't think any different. This is how intolerance is bred.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Students Promoting to Respect Rights

I was very pleased when searching around to find various school and universities promoting that one should respect the rights of others. Even a university in Newcastle, which is 100 miles north of Sydney in Australia has something to say about this on their site.

Respecting the rights of others

"Studying at University will bring you into contact with people from diverse backgrounds. You may be expected to work with other students as part of your course work, whether communicating in an online discussion forum, or participating in a group assessment.

"Inclusiveness aims to allow everyone, no matter what a person’s sex, race, age, nationality, gender orientation, sexual preference, marital status, political conviction, religious belief, disability, carer or family responsibilities, the opportunity to learn together and from each other.

"In particular, the University of Newcastle's Policy on Inclusive Language states that all communications at University should:

"Avoid images, expressions, or language constructions that reinforce inappropriate, demeaning or discriminatory attitudes or assumptions about persons or groups based on age, race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, marital status, political conviction, religious belief, or disability, family responsibilities or carers’ responsibilities

"Use images, expressions and language constructions that positively reflect the richness of the social and cultural diversity of the University and its community, in acknowledging the range of lifestyles, experiences and values.

"Be aware that written communications that are derogatory of others may infringe defamation laws, and if they are derogatory of others in relation to race, they may breach racial vilification laws. See the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977"

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Respect for People I Work With

To hear some of my friends talkabout the politics and pressures at their jobs in LA, I realize how lucky I am to be working with people I respect and get along with.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I Respect the Nobel Laureates

The men and women who have earned the Nobel Peace Prize are by and large worthy of respect.

I especially respect Nelson Mandela. He is a man of great integrity and courage.

There is a very beautiful web site called The Community. It's all about the Laureates and it is well worth a visit.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers like Steve Carlson

I respect Scientology Volunteer Ministers like Steve Calrson, who drop everything and go to disaster scenes to provide help to people who really need it.

Freedom Magazine wrote an article on Steve (and I found a little piece about it when I was browsing through the site of the Church of Scientology of Tampa).

Just one more thing I like about Scientology.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Human Rights Advocates

There are many people and groups working in the field of human rights. These are people I respect and admire.

One person who sets the standard in the field is David Miscavige. As Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center. As described on the RTC web site, Mr. Miscavige has been "the worldwide ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion ... for nearly 20 years...." and under his leadership the church's activities to improve society have dramatically increased.

The human rights education campaign, the Scientology Volunteer Minister program and the work Scientologists are doing to educate kids on drugs before they become "statistics" are three examples of this.

Mr. Miscavige gave a speech in which he described not only the social mission of the Scientology religion but an excellent description of the religious philosophy itself. The speech is called This is Scientology and an excerpt of it is online on the RTC web site.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Scientology Drug Education

Those that dedicate their time to helping people with drug problems have my utmost respect.
This is not an easy vocation and requires immense patience to help people come through the most horrific experience, both physically and mentally.

A crucial thing is educating people on the dangers of drugs before it becomes a problem. Ensuring our children, teenagers and loved ones are aware of the havoc that can be wreaked.

The Church of Scientology International's website on drug education is very informative. They also have booklets on the subject.